Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vertigo at the Grand Canyon in November

Most people have a healthy fear of dangerous things. Sometimes, these fears can become phobias, when they immobilize you, or if they are based upon irrational reasoning. Even innocuous objects can evoke fear from otherwise healthy, sane people.

Vertigo is not a phobia of heights; that's acrophobia. Vertigo is a reaction that differs from fear in one way. It is physical.

On the other hand, agoraphobia is the fear of wide open spaces. Where I live, much of the time, there are hills, or else a narrow strip of sky between the big trees that line the roads everywhere you gaze.

But at the Grand Canyon, Vertigo sets in. Too big. When you first see it, it's a bit overwhelming. Two months ago, my second time, it was still overwhelming.

I have to post the vids from last year of my dotta walking on the friggin edge of the Canyon, showing off. I got pissed.

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