Well hey there, you TDC enjoyer you. Did you get enough to eat? Still eating? I am. Can't stay away from the fridge. Hopefully, you had a good time with the family. Could have had too many turkey "giblets."
Did you do the Black Friday thing? Hopefully, you didn't get your ride towed, like they did in Houston.
Ya know, it must suck to end up forgotten, frozen in ice under a bridge like in the pic above, while kids play hockey every day nearby, and cops think it's not important enough to respond, to come and check out what happened to you.
The point here is not to make you feel guilty about the homeless, during your holiday season. The point is to make you greatful (full of greatness).
Grateful is fine and all, and even helps you get out and help those who won't help themselves, unless it is to help themselves to your goods.
Let's face it: pan-handling bums suck. Get a job. Don't stand around smoking ciggies with your cup out, beer in the other hand. Get back into society, ya fucka.
But Greatness is what we are all capable of pursuing, and I wish you the best. No need to end up like that sad fucker above.
Now play this soft, early morning tune, or the other, rocking tune below, while you get yourself powered up and ready for another Weekend At Willies version of the Mighty TDC.
It is a fact that we all will someday leave behind a legacy of our contribution to this planet.
What will your legacy be? Free shoes stuck in ice? Here are some links to this line of Thought, followed by an antidote. Discover some new sites, new views. Maybe even Confront an old misbegotten prejudice.
TDC. Think. Discover. Confront.
How will you be remembered?
Don’t wake up dead
Die rich, if you can.
WipeOut contestant wiped out.
Here's when I will go. How about you?
Antidote, willies' style: Strange Creatures, but with a Daughtry song. Sorry.
Now for some robotic creepiness, the EcceRobot, the home of the first anthropomimetic robot. Anthropomimetry means that this robot will look, feel, weigh, act and think like a human when it is finally completed. Cool. (Could have just said, "android," huh?)
Site to explore for those of you who like robots. Botjunkie.
Spybot instructions. Real spybot, wifi enabled?
Antidote to robot creepiness, exploring the web with the Web Directory.
Now back to creepiness: Top tenz creepy places.
Ah. Love, true love. Man sleeps beside dead wife for five years, for hugs.
Antidote: Lars van de Goor pics. Dude is good at taking pictures of some of the most beautiful places.
Emails from assholes. Hellarious!
Mmmm. Love me some zombies. lolz
Before the space program, Arthur C. Clark was involved in the Orion Program, which sought to propel starships via atomic explosives. Wait, what?
Adequate song for space exploration, inner and outer.
As we gear up for the next big holiday, here's a little reminder of the homeless. What is your legacy? Will you leave behind people who were thankful that you were here? Or will your feet be sticking out of the ice as kids play ice hockey under a bridge, and not even bother to steal your shoes? Homelessville singing soup cup (Timberlake)
How this for a legacy? From Tucky, in the TDC forums:
Drillers seek Scotch lost in Antarctica in 1909.
Speaking of creepy old Antarctica ghosts, new Tweets from beyond the grave? Robert Falcon Scott died 100 years ago, trying to be first to reach the Antarctica. Second, but not fail. Check out the second comment, btw.
Now go continue on to help the needy this time of year, so you can forget about them for the rest of the year.
Just remember to die with your shoes on.
God Help You. God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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