Welcome to the Mighty TDC.
Now With Fewer Robots And Less Pontification™
This is where your Weekend At Willies guide asks you to get yourself all prepared for a carnival show, and this means whatever it takes for you to do this thing.
You see, no one here will judge you for whatever you do; because this is the Last Outpost of Free Speech in the whole inter-tube thingy.
Now go get your morning mug of coffee, ale, or hooka of catnip/chamomile or herbalishiousness, while your bud "the willies" plays you a tune.
Press play while you pour, pack, and/or puff.
Let's have us a time, my friend.
You good? Let's go. Follow your tour guide Weekend At Willies into the depths of delirium.
The Mastaw Richie has lent the use of the keys for this weekend crypt of the Mighty TDC to a deviant mind who intends to wake the dead. (Or, well, help you to start your lazy dayz off correctly.)
We three men here at the Mighty TDC work in tandem to make your life enjoyable each day of the week with Trivia, Discussion in the TDC forums, (join in, ya lurker) and Consideration (of forum members' thoughts) for your enjoyment and general fucking off at work. All for free. How sweet is that?
Trivia, Discussion, Consideration.
No one else in the interwebnet-tubes works harder than Richie in bringing you a Daily Column of weird news, pics, and discussion. Seriously. Give him a reach-around for his good work here for chrissakes, and maybe join in the forum for a further exploration into what TDC is all about. Dude puts his column in your face everyday without you asking.
No blinking banners, no intrusive questions to join in the forums, and no asking for donations of any sort. WTF? Pleased ta know ya dude. I like free stuff, sure, but I like free stuff when it is really good free stuff.
The Humble But Never-The-Less Mighty Hoot helps out on Thursdays. He has a solid column for your delicates. He's gentle, but unstoppable, so watch out. He "heals" with his deft and clever bean flicking.
Me? I'm the willies. That's all you need to know. Here we go. Keep up.
Falling falling falling... Dude takes pictures of himself falling the fuck down.
You know how cheap video games have really big polygons in their curved surfaces? This guy made a Halloween mask a couple months ago. Kinda neat, and mucho freaky, two of my favorite things.
Many cool pictures to explore here.
So what to do with all those Mountain Dew cans, you addict you. Make a tree for Xmas!
Pron research stopped. Couldn't find any men for Control group: Pronless. Chickencrap's Crap blog article.
You don't need to read about the teen Indiana sociopath who murdered of his little brother. Scroll on to the next link below it.
But if yo'd like a little sumpin sumpin to consider, here's this: Who is the sociopath that you know? Aww, sure psychopaths are cute because they are easy to identify. They are the naked dudes always pointing their junk at cops and saying that they are Jeebus.
But sociopaths? According to the Psychiatry manual DSMIV, sociopaths make up 12% of our population...No wait, 1.2% of our...No, maybe it's 120%... well, no one actually knows, because they are undetectable, until they decide that they would like to kill you NOW. SLASH ...SLASH ...DISMEMBERMENT
Thoughts in the forums? Sleep well tonite, and don't piss her off...
Hokay... onward.
Smells like Fred Flinstone's Ass?
Everything is better with a bag of weed, according to Stewie and Bryan from the Family Guy. Warning: if you click on this gay ass song about a bag of weed, and listen though, you'll probably click it again later, and then it will stick in your head all day. Good luck with that, mistah.
Sharenator digs on 4chan meme FFFFUUUU. Pretty funny.
Zombie nuts pic. Funny.
Q. Who makes a better parent? Animals, or Humans? Pics.
A. Animals are sappy, humans are dumb.
Tucky (from the forums) always helps a buddy out; he contributed these.
Dude tweets and facebooks at altar. Weddings in the 21st century. Huh.
Tucky Says, "This here landlord should be tarred and feathered, and run out of town." I agree. Even if I can barely understand Tucky when we chat on the "teleeephone." Ayuh, dude talks wicked funny, chummy. Not me, tho.
Well, thank you for taking the time out of your leisure dayz to visit the Mighty TDC.
Check in on Monday, when Richie starts off a new week with more of our craziness.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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