Well hi there, my friend, good morning to you.
Are you properly prepared for another excursion down the alley behind the tents of the circus? Who knows what wonders await you. You may be surprised.
Now, you know the routine. Get yourself all properly caffeinated, lubricated, cannibated, indoctrinated, and situated. Hit this song while you read the following big-ass amount of text.
Perhaps the reason that you would be checking out the front page of the Mighty Daily Column on a Sunday is because you want to see a Side Show. I thank you for your time and attention, and assure you that neither will be wasted, even if you, perhaps, are. However, today is none of the usual freaky stuff. That will happen next weekend. Instead, consider this:
If you’ve followed the Weekend At Willies column of the Mighty TDC in the past, then you know that these columns are written with a theme, each time. One guess as to what today’s theme will be.
What is it that makes you grateful? Have a roof over your head? Somebody who kisses you or wags their tail when they see you? Maybe you have a team of expert killers in your on-line niche who await your every direction and command? Got kids? Got a job that pays the bills, as well as your favorite enjoyment or pursuit?
Then, indeed, you might be grateful. Thanksgiving may mean turkey for you, and all the fixin’s that go along with it, but even if you are alone, with no big family orgy of food, football, and family fighting, remember one thing: you, my friend, are alive and here on this planet.
Every encounter that you have with another is an opportunity to give. This “Give” is important, because it is a sort of “social lubrication.” Indeed, human interaction is a form of social intercourse, and one must always be a good member, and not be too harsh, or dry, or oddly stiff with each other.
Don’t you agree? If so, then Giving Thanks is a priority, not only to your concept of a higher power, but also to each other. Be gentle with your neighbor. Maybe they will decide not to go off and shoot up your workspace/mall/school.
Just my two cents, ya dirty-minded TDCer.
Let’s kick this bitch now, shall we?
Now be thankful for what precious time you have:
Tucky showed me the Black Hole....that the Chinese are now able to create. I guess this means "fuck the Large Hadron Collider." Now those crazy fuckers can blow us up before 2012?
Check in here daily. Cool shit. For Bossman.
Here's a fun little Zombie game.
Finds of the day. Go back to see each previous day, kinda interesting.
Another site of found shit. chico would love this.
Grin and Bear it.
Robots fighting. For TIMT.
Philip K. Dick was an android? And now it's loose in the world? For Jambo.
Pattern recognition with robotic directional laser. For FastCast.
Emails from crazy people, always a good read. Check back often, especially if you might be included?
Another bunch of pics to peruse. Do you get this one? Check the bath tub tiles behind her. She pulled in on her belly, and pushed out her butt... But nice boobies, anyways...
Funny site for you to check out their backlogs.
TDCwillies loves robotics. Iccarrus112277 introduced me to the awesomeness of TED. Here's a crossbreed.
Another pic site to explore. I know that the first pic you'll click on is the "Scratch Bum" pic. Told ya!
And another. See you in a while, bud.
Thank you for joining the Mighty TDC on your Sunday, your well-deserved day of rest. Here's a nice song with an excellent video. it must have taken a lot of planning to do what they did.
Be safe, my friend.
Happy Giving Thanks to you. Love well and prosper.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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