The following are pictures of an old hotel where we had an Air Quality Conference. The rates were exceptionally cheap, in Champagne, Ill. due to the hotel being scheduled for demolition the week after.
Meet: The Chancellor.

This antiquated behemoth held surprises at every turn. Even doors that led to nowhere! For symmetrical aesthetics, I'm sure... (Pssst...No Door Knob!)
The roof top bar was closed. "The Continental." Classy, back in the seventies!
This art deco mirror should have been saved from the demolition. I woulda taken it. (Forgive the tweaked out gamma in this. It asked for it.)
Now for the stairwell where I got that pic of the piano next to the door that read, "Please Do Not Enter." More, later, about that curiously pleading, almost invitational, "daring you" sign...
Now I don't know about you, but I think that the architect or construction contractor should have been spanked for such waste. Doors to nowhere are one thing. But un-needed stair landings, rails, no door, when there should be one? WTF?
Here is your piano in the stairwell, outside the door that had the sign, "Please Do Not Enter."
I maxed out the contrast and gamma on this.

I removed the window (and piano silhouette) and inserted text. First attempt at text. Noticed that the global angle for lighting is way off. The lighting should come from the sign, ya think?
Thus, the correct version is at the top of this post. But look below. Yecch.

So who puts a sign like that on a door that is locked from the other side? I banged on it, and it was quite echoey and metallic, like the inside of a huge iron cavern on the other side.
Now its secret is gone. The building was demolished five or six years ago, and I'd been carrying these pics around all these years, and finally found a use for one of them.
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