And for me.
This is for you, whomever you are.
And this is also for me.
The Mighty TDC is my mental vacation, and I advocate such a thing for you.
This is a new chapter for TDC's ZID Series in the works, for you.
I quite like the creativity and beat of Trent Reznor, his NIN, and this tune.
I'll borrow it for this next chapter of ZID, which is not nearly polished.
But I have an idea.
Anyways, check out NIN.
I could feel myself slipping away. Do Not Click on the small music box after the words "4WD Jeep" below this NIN music box.
You have been warned.
NIN is legit.
The blond Andrew Sister will fuck with your mind.
Here's NIN. Press play, babe.

Us six young bastards simply needed to sample the new "Material" before we agreed to deal with it. And we did it in Tellesco's latest 4WD Jeep.
Do you know what this means?
We didn't quite understand the full implication, realty, nor mental impact of this new Thing, which is why we chose to take a drive, before this new thing kicked in, twenty minutes before our interesting drive in Tellseco's Jeep.
ZID takes forty minutes to kick in.
It got quite interesting, indeed, and please allow me to elucidate you on this thing that you must never, ever
And, yes, I fucking punked you.
That Andrews Sisters "6 assholes in a Jeep" song was probably cool, way back when, but I can't get my head into that shit.
Sorry. Please go up and stop it.
Trent and his NIN will rock you best.
I promise to treat you well, if you will follow along, here on in.
The intent was to show to you, Dear TDC Member, exactly that you do not ever know what ZID has in store for you.
Simply That.
This is going to get quite strange, but you knew this.
Here is the real way to start off your day, in this story, in this this latest chapter.
(You shoulda seen your face, bud. You looked all "WTF?"
I apologize to you. It won't happen again.
But you shoulda seen your f---)
OK, already.
Old School.
Press play, TDC Enjoyer.
Yes, there were actually four of us punk bastards who got our ZID game on in the vehicle that Sean used to go "figging" around in.
It was the lastest incranation of the rich kid Tellesco's Jeep.
Fat Jerry was eating somewhere, and Brian was off visiting his Grammy, God Love Those Bastards.
Fig trees are very slow growing, therefore; their trunks are like iron. I've told you about this before, a few years ago.
It was all quite weird.
But after all had been said and done, I held one true promise to myself.
ZID was a bitch.
This Bitch would not change me.
She changed my brothers' world.
But Not Me.
God Help You If You Follow TDC WEAW here on in.
---willies out.
it will get quite weird.
Stay tuned....
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