Thursday, July 23, 2009

TDC willies back-up 7-24-09

Well, hello there, you intrepid TDC enjoyer, you.

Welcome to the best day that a promise can afford. The promise of a couple of well-deserved days ahead with which you are allowed to do whatever you damn well wish. Enjoy these few and fine days, my friend.

Hasn't Hoot done an admirable job here this week? Dude always offers you the best in help, optimism, and a contagiously upbeat outlook on life and how one works it to succeed in this time of all times. Thanks bro.

Here's a nice summer tune. But it's been recorded into youtube kinda loudly, so adjust your shit beforehand, lower. No need to lay those ear canal hairs down any lower and get deaf.

Today is the last day of your work week, with the weekend ahead. Halcyon dreams of summer enjoyment await, whether they are visions of the beach with the family, a lovely couple of days of working on your little corner patch of the world, or is it the casino, the hookers, or maybe the bottomless bottle, bong, or bachelor life-style, Hangover on Monday?

Well, before you go, why not check out another dip into the mind of your TDC bud, the willies?

Richie met Mickey this past week. Mickey was kinda busy, taking over the world. Don't mind the Russian text on this site: no viruses (for once, huh?) But hit the "random" button above for endless pics to enjoy, or scorn, or what-have-you. SFW.

Sometimes, worlds collide, you see. So do bullets, in an "engagement." No, not a gay pron wedding, but actual bullets. Like in a war. Yes, a French soldier actually fired a bullet! Sadly, it was thwarted by a Russian bullet. We've seen this before, haven't we? :(

Perhaps the Russians could learn more about the Roman Way? Love, not war? Hmmm...

A distraction of pics for you to peruse. See you in a while.

For our United States Warriors who are performing their Art in protecting the free World, here are some great quotes.

Not like this.

More like this.

Speaking of robots, how about one that learns, with a biological brain? Hmmm. Are the cyber wars far off?

Innovation? Yeah, kinda important, huh?

Or NOT. Lots of videos proving NOT. From our friends, the Brits.

You see, sometimes, a thing like a prank takes a bit of time to construct. American Foolishness is legendary. Even if it takes three Years. Read.

Of course, we fail when we Pun.

Thank you for partaking of the Mighty TDC, captained by our friend Hoot on this stolen ship, with a bit of help from your friendly oarsman the "willies." Now go have some fun, and don't forget, Richie will be back on this site on Monday, to rile you up and get you discussing Some Very Important Things.

You will see the Humble-But-Nevertheless-Mighty Hoot on Thursday.

Me? I got laid off. Bastawds!

But here is my swan song for you, TDC Citizen.

Properly recorded, so turn this thing way up. Enjoy.

It's Fucking Friday! Yay. Go get some fun, you TDC enjoyer, you. Yup.

God Help You. God Help Us All.

---willies out.

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