You've made it this far into the Mighty TDC's exploration of the "News, Photos, and WEIRD Stuff" while the TDC Mastaw Richie is away at Disney World with his family. Safe travels, young man. Come back with pics.
The always excellent Hoot has thrust his solid column into your face twice thus far, and now it is time for a taste o' the "willies."
Here's a tune for you to hear whilst you get all lubed up. Sink into the mind of your compatriot TDC willies. Sink into Me.
(Forgive the 5 second ad, but this song will wake your ass up on this Humpday. Get your hands clapping and cause frightened looks from the those in the surrounding cubicles. HA! Turn it up.)
No, you have not found yourself in the La Brea Tar Pit of the mind. (Although Richie and Hoot have once again allowed a deviant mind into this here realm.)
Simply this, let's have some fun while we work our way to the next weekend. After-work time is always the best, and our weekends are, of course, most important. Plus, it's summertime. Hell Ya. Whenever the sun comes out, I always feel like playing hookie.
TDC forum citizen Greenie brought up something interesting in the General Forum, and it is this: Richie is the life of the party wherever he is. So, I ask you, who is the life of YOUR party? Is it you?
Now kick back with your Java and enjoy what your TDC bud willies has dug up from the bone yard.
May your Wednesday go better than this dude's.
He should have taken a hit off this site.
Here's a helpful search engine that shows you what is currently popular in the ether world.
One thing I found there was to be careful how you cook food.
Or whom you invite to dinner.
Antidote, some Steven Wright humor.
Squirrel slingshot.
Latest news on robots, pretty sweet.
Rock music television for your PC, like old school MTV: One video at a time, and occasionally they suck, then a cool one comes on....
OK, time to fuck with your eyes. Optical illusions, but don't click if you get headaches from these sorts of things.
This ought to keep you busy for a couple hours. SFW, but not responsible for images that are popular on the net, sexust, rasist, or just plain dumb. 100's of pages at the bottom. See you in a while.
Antidote, some intelligent things to read anew each day.
Now here are a couple of willies' style news items from our long-time TDC Forum citizen Kentucky, you may call him Dave and buy him a beer when you see him next. He'll always reciprocate. Thanks bud.
It's always an honor and privilege to be able to create and post whatever the fuck I want to on this excellent site, the Mighty TDC. Thank you, Richie, for your Freedom Of Speech thing that you always promote here. We Americans must always be mindful of this, true? Join our Forums, and get in the fray, ya scaredy cat.
Me? Well, you just don't know how it is to be the Willies, all day long, each and every day. "No, you girls never know."
Maybe this will help.
Now go and take a bite out of Wednesday. Get some shit done. Tomorrow is known as Thirsty Thursday around these parts, and then there's Friday.
God Help you. God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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