TDC WEAW : Why Read These Stories?
Well hey there ya TDC Enjoyer.
Some of you have asked me in private messaging at TheDailyColumn.com why I write stories for the Mighty Fucking TDC that describe the lowest, ugliest points of a young punk's experiences in the western world of Cali.
Indeed, that is an excellent consideration, and here is the answer.
The best stories are told with redemption at the end of an ugly path.
Hard times happen to everyone, and folks do some awful things along their path.
But we humans always hope for the best outcome. When you read a horrific story, you hope that things work out for the better for the protagonist, the one who is the focus of the story.
This is how we folks are made. We hope the best for each other, no matter what we each may have done.
When someone is just being an asshole all along, then they have broken the rules, and if they don't learn their lesson, then we hope that they get pounded by misfortune until they hopefully do Learn Their Lesson.
We hope the best for them. We engage in the story, and identify, even if we have never lived through the awful shit we engage in during such a tale, vicariously.
We read in order to experience true life through another's eyes.
Vicarious is voyeur.
Looking through the keyhole.
So, these stories are to engage you, TDC Reader, and reveal how low one can get, and then witness how the protagonist finally learns his lesson.
The best stories are the ones that reveal to you the worst conditions of a person, where you almost hate the hero because of their awful behavior, but you will still care for them, and hope that they persevere; that they will overcome their awful behavior, and win.
If they win, perhaps you will as well.
There is hope for us all, if one can construct the story correctly.
In Other Words,
No matter what happens to you, this guy has been through worse shit.
Caused by his own poor decisions.
Indeed, there is Hope for us all.
Press on the little box below, my Easter Egg for you, as always.
In these stories, there is redemption.
But you will simply have to follow me along these ruins of the boneyard of awful memories, and trust that your faithful guide will show you the way not only out of the dank caverns below, but back up into the top soil, upward into the sunshine.
Have you the guts to follow me?
I think that you do.
You Rocka.
Of course, no one will ever see the words above.
I will erase them and write another chapter for this weekend on the Mighty TDC.
It needed to be said, even if it will be lost in the ethernet.
Except, Google, which owns Blooger, will have saved it for their own, future use.
Go Google!
---Willies Out
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