What an excellent time-line of TDC's illustrious history constructed by the Humongously Engorged Hoot. Nice big column you got there, bro.
You, TDC Enjoyer, simply must take a nibble of this behemoth, if you haven't already.
When I think of how the Mighty TDC came into existence during this past decade, I shiver. You see, if not for a series of fortuitous (for us) events, this community might not ever have been conceived. Where would we be without the Mighty TDC?
When TDC was first invented in 2002, Peter Sachs had the curious yet wonderful foresight to also create a forum for readers to give their own opinions on everything and anything, as well as to post their own interesting internet finds. This is now copied everywhere, but TDC is the original.
Our Mighty TDC owner and operator Rich Fowler, (Bossman, or Mastaw, if you prefer) took this idea and evolved it into one of the greatest outposts of free speech in the whole etherworld. He leads by example, not by prodding. His stories of his life are true, and they are quite engaging. One simply cannot make that kind of stuff up.
The TDC online community is the oldest continuously active Blog in the entire world. It is not a site constructed for a product or company, nor is it used to generate funds or try to sell you anything. This is simply a living example of the original concept for why this usernet/web/tubes things was constructed, which was based on these three things:
Free news content.
Free user content.
Free Speech.
These are important concepts that you witness on the front page of the Mighty TDC, but this concept necessitates the inclusion of You, the Viewer, as Active Participant. And that is why the TDC Forums were constructed. The forums are the breaking down of the Fourth Wall, the one that separates audience from actors.
Here are some excerpts, a few of the best of the TDC Forums. Richie has given you a rocking Best Of The Internet column, Hoot has compiled an illustrious history of the TDC timeline, and now, for trifecta, a small compilation of the best of the TDC Community, intended to lure you in.
The Mighty TDC is a community of all kinds of folks. We have the brainiacs, the smart-asses, the good ole souls, the nerds and geeks, and then some trolls we like to pick on and roll for easy change, and of course, normal folks like you and, errm, well, someone not like me, your TDC bud willies.
The following are some examples of what in thee hell I am talking about. These excerpts have been constructed with the deft handiness two TDC Forum members:
Sirchief, who has a dampening effect on the females of TDC. Thank you, Sir, for your help here. You dampen the TDC ladies quite well, you handsome bastuhd.
FastCast, our excellent Forum Moderator who will set you straight, prop you up in the right place, and gently guide you in to the correct thread with his Fly muthafuckin Rod of icy, hard adamantium. Don’t fuck with The FastCast, mistah.
Now would be a good time to get your attitude adjusted. Or altitude. Whatever it takes.
Here are the Best Of the TDC Forums, constructed by these two men. The reason for this Blog here, today, is because these men have taken the time to compile their favorites during their time in our Mighty TDC Forums.
And I am never one to steal thunder from another. I only serve to promote this TDC, and to elevate those who contribute to it. Well, also to try to give you "the willies."
But this is not about me. This is about us.
Sirchief links:
Last post to win, props to chico for starting that mess!
Classic McFly
Ah fuck it!
Howie Stern
Richie goes Metro!
Sharon has a baby!
Blue Balls anyone?
How about a punch to the Vagina?
A good discussion on schooling
Which way does “it” bend?
No Porn? What?
Could you live without your car for a week?
Richie gets A LOT of email. Some good, some not so good
A few Richie rant’s.
A few Richie moral situations.
From the Bossman Richie:
Where the hell is Jambo?
Leandroc and Jambo!!! (his exclamation points, not mine) busted on the Bossman.
Now pay attention, FastCast speaks eloquently, but his words are few, well chosen, and adept. Each of the following sentences are densely packed with links.
FastCast’s finds, used without his permission. But he's a good guy, if you have balls of steel.
And, for the last tidbit, some actual literature from a member of TDC.
Jambo!!! wrote:
I do not like you, Vitamatt
I do not like your "Cat In Hat"
I do not like my answers pat
I do not like you Vitamatt.
I do not like "Cally-fawn-I-A"
I won't listen to what you say.
I do not like those married gays
I do not like "Cally-fawn-I-A"
I do not like herbs holistic
Shamen with bones or potions mystic
Cancer won't be cured by tea
You and I will disagree….
Now if you care to, why not take a peek into the forums of this stately site? Don't be left standing outside in the freezing cold.
This just in from TDC citizen JonM. He contributes quite well in the forums, as you can do, if you'd like.
Thank you for checking out the Mighty TDC whenever you get the chance. Without you, there is no reason for our existence.
It would be just a coupla of nuts hanging around. I'd get sick of that, wouldn't you?
Tomorrow with be another installment of the CARS True Story Series, Numba 4, plus links to things and pron and stuff. Gotta love cheesecake. Yum.
God Help You.
God Help Us All.
---willies out.
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